Difference between asterisk and ampersand operators in c
Address Operator (& - Ampersand):
Returns address of the given variable. Consider the following example,
int *ptr, var = 10;
ptr = &var;
ptr = &var sets the address of the variable var to pointer ptr. & is also called as reference operator.
Let us try to understand the purpose of reference operator using the following example program.
Returns address of the given variable. Consider the following example,
int *ptr, var = 10;
ptr = &var;
ptr = &var sets the address of the variable var to pointer ptr. & is also called as reference operator.
Let us try to understand the purpose of reference operator using the following example program.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int var = 10, *ptr;
/* assigning address of variable var to pointer ptr */
ptr = &var;
/* printing the address of the variable var */
printf("Address of var is 0x%x\n", &var);
/* printing the value of pointer ptr */
printf("Value of ptr is 0x%x\n", ptr);
return 0;
jp@jp-VirtualBox:~/$ ./a.out
Address of var is 0xbfdf202c
Value of ptr is 0xbfdf202c
Address of var is 0xbfdf202c
Value of ptr is 0xbfdf202c
Indirection Operator('*' - asterisk):
The dereference operator is an unary operator which returns the value of the pointee by dereferencing the value(address) in pointer variable. Consider the following example,
int var1 = 10, var2;
int *ptr; // '*' used for declaration
ptr = &var;
var2 = * ptr; //'*' used for deferencing
The above statement(var2 = *ptr) dereferences the address in ptr and assigns the pointee value(value of var1) to var2. Now, the value of var2 becomes 10. * is also called as dereference operator.
Let us try to understand the purpose of dereference operator using the following example program.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int var1 = 10, var2;
int *ptr;
/* assigning the address of variable var1 to pointer ptr */
ptr = &var1;
/* assigning dereferenced value to var2 */
var2 = *ptr;
/* printing addresses and values of the variables */
printf("Address of var1 is 0x%x\n", &var1);
printf("Address of var2 is 0x%x\n", &var2);
printf("Value of ptr is 0x%x\n", ptr);
printf("Value of var1 is %d\n", var1);
printf("Value of *ptr is %d\n", *ptr);
printf("Value of var2 is %d\n", var2);
return 0;
jp@jp-VirtualBox:~/$ ./a.out
Address of var1 is 0xbff7c72c
Address of var2 is 0xbff7c728
Value of ptr is 0xbff7c72c
Value of var1 is 10
Value of *ptr is 10
Value of var2 is 10
Address of var1 is 0xbff7c72c
Address of var2 is 0xbff7c728
Value of ptr is 0xbff7c72c
Value of var1 is 10
Value of *ptr is 10
Value of var2 is 10
Difference between asterisk and ampersand operators in c
Reviewed by Mursal Zheker
Sabtu, Oktober 05, 2013
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