Pointers and arrays in c

Mursal Zheker Selasa, Oktober 29, 2013
POINTERS AND ARRAYS: What is an array? An array is a data structure consisting of elements of similar data type.  The elements of an array a...Read More
Pointers and arrays in c Pointers and arrays in c Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Selasa, Oktober 29, 2013 Rating: 5

Function pointers

Mursal Zheker Selasa, Oktober 22, 2013
Pointer to function in c with examples: What is function pointer? Every function has an address.  We can assign the address of functions to ...Read More
Function pointers Function pointers Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Selasa, Oktober 22, 2013 Rating: 5
constant pointer, pointer to a constant and constant pointer to a constant constant pointer, pointer to a constant and constant pointer to a constant Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Jumat, Oktober 18, 2013 Rating: 5

Pointer to an array vs Array of pointers

Mursal Zheker Sabtu, Oktober 12, 2013
Difference between pointer to an array and array of pointers in c? Pointer to an array: Pointer to an array is also called as array pointer....Read More
Pointer to an array vs Array of pointers Pointer to an array vs Array of pointers Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Sabtu, Oktober 12, 2013 Rating: 5
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