Operator precedence and associativity in C language Operator precedence and associativity in C language Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Sabtu, Januari 18, 2014 Rating: 5

#ifdef, #ifndef and #endif directives in C

Mursal Zheker Minggu, Januari 12, 2014
#ifdef If the named macro is defined, then the code between #ifdef and #endif will be compiled. #ifndef If the named macro is not defined, t...Read More
#ifdef, #ifndef and #endif directives in C #ifdef, #ifndef and #endif directives in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Minggu, Januari 12, 2014 Rating: 5

#if, #elif, #else and #endif example

Mursal Zheker Minggu, Januari 12, 2014
#if If the resultant value of the arithmetic expression is non-zero, then the code between #if and #endif will be compiled. Example: #if 1...Read More
#if, #elif, #else and #endif example #if, #elif, #else and #endif example Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Minggu, Januari 12, 2014 Rating: 5

How to access union members in C

Mursal Zheker Sabtu, Januari 11, 2014
Dot operator is used to access(or assign) the data members of a union variable.  Consider the following example, union value {          int ...Read More
How to access union members in C How to access union members in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Sabtu, Januari 11, 2014 Rating: 5

How to initialize union variables in C

Mursal Zheker Sabtu, Januari 11, 2014
Let us see all possible ways to initialize a union variable.  Please remember that we can access one data member at a time in the case of un...Read More
How to initialize union variables in C How to initialize union variables in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Sabtu, Januari 11, 2014 Rating: 5

Declaration of a union variable in C

Mursal Zheker Sabtu, Januari 11, 2014
Union variable can be declared while defining a union or after defining a union. Let us see how to declare a union variable while defining a...Read More
Declaration of a union variable in C Declaration of a union variable in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Sabtu, Januari 11, 2014 Rating: 5

Array of unions

Mursal Zheker Selasa, Januari 07, 2014
We can create array of unions similar to creating array of any primitive data type. Below is the general form of declaration for array of un...Read More
Array of unions Array of unions Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Selasa, Januari 07, 2014 Rating: 5

Array of structures

Mursal Zheker Selasa, Januari 07, 2014
We can create array of structures similar to creating array of any primitive data types.   Below is the general form of declaration for arra...Read More
Array of structures Array of structures Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Selasa, Januari 07, 2014 Rating: 5

Array of characters - Strings

Mursal Zheker Senin, Januari 06, 2014
String is a sequence of characters terminated by null character.  Character array can be used to store strings.  Below is the general form o...Read More
Array of characters - Strings Array of characters - Strings Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Senin, Januari 06, 2014 Rating: 5

Multidimensional arrays in C

Mursal Zheker Senin, Januari 06, 2014
Multidimensional array is also known as array of arrays.  C allows user to write arrays with one or more dimensions.  An array with more tha...Read More
Multidimensional arrays in C Multidimensional arrays in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Senin, Januari 06, 2014 Rating: 5

Formatted input and output functions in C

Mursal Zheker Kamis, Januari 02, 2014
The following are built-in functions available in C language which can be used to perform formatted input output operations. Formatted input...Read More
Formatted input and output functions in C Formatted input and output functions in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Kamis, Januari 02, 2014 Rating: 5

Character Input and Output functions in C

Mursal Zheker Kamis, Januari 02, 2014
The following are the built in functions available in C which can be used to to perform character input & output operations. int fgetc(...Read More
Character Input and Output functions in C Character Input and Output functions in C Reviewed by Mursal Zheker on Kamis, Januari 02, 2014 Rating: 5
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