getimage example in c
Header file:
void getimage(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, void *bitmap);
(left, top) - top left of the specified rectangular area
(bottom, right) - bottom right of the specified rectangular area
bitmap - pointer to the bitmap image in memory
getimage() stores image in the specified region on screen to memory.
getimage function in c graphics
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <dos.h>
int main(void) {
int gdriver=DETECT, gmode, err, color;
int i, x[8], y[8], midx, midy, radius = 60;
void far *image;
unsigned long size;
/* auto-detect the graphics driver and mode */
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "C:/TURBOC3/BGI");
err = graphresult();
/* check for any errors */
if (err != grOk) {
printf("Graphics error: %s\n",
return 0;
/* mid position in x and y-axis */
midx = getmaxx() / 2;
midy = getmaxy() / 2;
/* below concentric circle will be sliced to 4 images */
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
color = 15;
} else {
color = i;
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color);
circle(midx, midy, radius);
floodfill(midx, midy, color);
radius = radius - 10;
/* top left and bottom right for image 1 */
x[0]= midx, y[0] = midy;
x[1]= midx + 60, y[1] = midy + 60;
/* top left and bottom right for image 2 */
x[2]= midx, y[2] = midy - 60;
x[3]= midx + 60, y[3] = midy;
/* top left and bottom right for image 3 */
x[4]= midx - 60, y[4] = midy;
x[5]= midx, y[5] = midy + 60;
/* top left and bottom right for image 4 */
x[6]= midx - 60, y[6] = midy - 60;
x[7]= midx, y[7] = midy;
size = imagesize(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1]);
image = farmalloc(size);
if (!image) {
printf("Error: unable to allocate requested block");
/* saves image on screen to memory */
getimage(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], image);
/* prints image on to the screen */
putimage(0, 0, image, COPY_PUT);
getimage(x[2], y[2], x[3], y[3], image);
putimage(0, 60, image, COPY_PUT);
getimage(x[4], y[4], x[5], y[5], image);
putimage(60, 0, image, COPY_PUT);
getimage(x[6], y[6], x[7], y[7], image);
putimage(60, 60, image, COPY_PUT);
/* clean up */
return 0;
Output: (getimage built-in function in c graphics.h)
getimage example in c
Reviewed by Mursal Zheker
Rabu, September 11, 2013
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